Vol. II No. 15 8/1/2021
Notes from the Select Board, July 15, Hybrid Meeting
- Roxanne McCaffrey, Chair
- Chuck Cardillo
- Patrick White
Also present, Michael Canales (Town Administrator), Michael Buffoni (Water Dept), Tony Campetti (Sewer Dept), Michael Blay (Assessors), Vincent Garifoli (Fire Chief), Hugh Page (Highway Dept.)
Thirty Stockbridge residents were present. (Not visible)
- Last minute appointment of Mark Mills to Zoning Board of Appeals as alternate – Chair expressed urgency. Voted and approved.
- Minutes approved as written.
- Canales reported:
- Due to rain, level of river up and work on Larrywaug Bridge shut down until it recedes. Canales explained that is because the first work scheduled is the foundation and wing walls which are built in the water.
- Evidently there was prior discussion about using historically appropriate (wooden) posts and rails on bridge(s). Current staff unaware but looking into it.
- This SB meeting also included the annual Second Homeowners' meeting:
- Peter Strauss was concerned that homeowners around the lake are being "double taxed". Apparently because there is a rate based on acreage and an addition for lake frontage. Blay explained that there is "one system for evaluation [on which tax is based] dictated by the Commonwealth."
- There was a request that if and when the meetings cannot be Zoomed, that the Second Homeowners' meeting be held on a Saturday as many are not in Town during the week.
- Chair encouraged them to come to more meetings.
- In response, a Second homeowner explained, "Without Zoom, we are not available to meet during the week." Another Second Homeowner said the Zoom option should be continued to allow Second Homeowners to attend more meetings or "hold meeting(s) when we can participate."
The Chair, "we are one community". - Two questioned were posed: what is happening with the DeSisto property and what is happening with the Curtisville Bridge?
With respect to DeSisto, the Chair responded, "Nothing – there is nothing before us.
With respect to Curtisville Bridge, Chair said, "we make that decision." She emphasized, "there is a decision to be made and important for this year." White added the bridge could be demolished or rebuilt, and, if the latter, there are choices as to how.
Now that the water and sewer lines were moved, it is time to address the bridge and determine what to do.
There was a question: are there funds available? White/Canales said there are loans, grants and taxes. White added: "Funds are not the problem; the decision about what to do should be made with public input." (See Town Square and join the discussion). - Peter Ungaro returned to the original comment and asked for "consideration". That is, he wanted no Second Homeowners' meetings on Thursdays; he preferred Saturday and Zoom-- prefer Zoom.
- Ungaro then asked about the Residential Tax Exemption. He thought it hard not to see it as adversely affecting Second Homeowners.
Blay offered that qualification for the exemption would be an ongoing process.
White said we wanted to aid seniors to remain in their homes.
The Chair said it was not up to the SB it was up to the Town. She was quickly corrected as it is a decision of the SB. - Patty Caya mentioned the kayak rack. She preferred they add a rack at another location but not move the single rack.
- White mentioned a "Second Homeowners' Forum" apparently established by Sandra Barron and asked that it be open – perhaps inviting the Chairs of Town committees.
- Richard (last name not given) wanted to address the beach area. He felt issues that had been brought up year after year were "kicked down the road". He was especially disappointed that no one from Parks and Rec was present. Canales asked that he list the issues. They were the goose droppings and the general condition of beach front, condition of entrance and parking lot, and the kayak rack. Canales said the entrance and parking lot will be addressed this fall. White suggested they put up the goose fence once more. Chair said then they will fly in – however White offered that the gate will work since, at this time of year, Geese don't fly, they are molting and unable to fly during.
- Peter (last name not given) was surprised by a sign on Park Street that says, "Residents only". SB moved to remove sign. Vote 2/1 – White opposed; motion passed.
Meeting adjourned.
Photo: Patrick White