Vol. II No. 16 8/15/2021
Notes from the Board of Assessors, August 2, Hybrid
- Gary Pitney, Chair
- Doug Goudy
- Tom Stokes
- Michael Blay, Town Assessor
- 504 Utility Appraisals are complete.
- $4000 was necessary to do the 504s and Blay found that amount in unexpended funds from last year.
- Blay received the "Cherry Sheet" from Department of Revenue (DOR). [Blay shared: The reason they call it that is because the hard copy they used to send (before email) was printed on pink paper.
- Blay reported the sales prices in Stockbridge soared. Buyers usually pay 90 — 110% of assessed/appraised value. In 2020, the majority of buyers paid MUCH more than the previous assessment.
- Stockbridge sends out a questionnaire to recent purchasers. This year one of the questions was: why did you pay this price? Blay reported that the reason for paying the exceptionally high sales prices was one word: "Covid".
- The record sales prices will not necessarily raise tax bills because, Blay explained, as the valuation increases, the rate often decreases. This minimizes the amount of the total tax bill.
- Taxes and many other things are based on the evaluations. For example, the amount the Commonwealth gives Stockbridge for the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) to distribute is based on the evaluations.
- Blay reported Stockbridge has 658 second homes. Second homeowners pay a personal property tax bill based on building value and because that building value will change in FY22, they will see an increase in that bill. In addition, next year, second homeowners will fill out a form with the complete list of furnishings. Second homeowners are required to fill out the form for personal property tax every six years.
- Update on PILOT (Payment in lieu of Taxes) Program. Nonprofits do not pay property taxes. Many areas including Boston have the PILOT Program that asks Nonprofits to voluntarily pay an amount to the municipality in lieu. Stokes reported some do this already and the others will be invited to pay a negotiated amount. This process will begin after Labor Day.
- The PILOT Committee is Jay Bikofsky, Tom Stokes, and Gary Pitney. Stokes said they would welcome more members. Blay offered to have interested parties email him at Town Offices and he would forward the names.
Photo: Jay Rhind