Vol. II No. 16 8/15/2021
Notes from the Select Board meeting, August 5, Hybrid Meeting
- Roxanne McCaffrey, Chair
- Chuck Cardillo
- Patrick White
Also present, Michael Canales (Town Administrator) and Harold French
- Harold French and his suggestion that Stockbridge have a Revolutionary War monument. He suggested it in the pages of Stockbridge Updates and has worked on it since. He found a farmer who would donate a granite slab. He suggested placement near the Chime Tower where monuments to those from Stockbridge who fought in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and Vietnam War are located.
- Rick Wilcox is working on the names of those who fought in the Revolutionary War.
- There may be too many to fit on a commemorative stone so a QR code may be used.
- French offered to do some of the work setting the stone himself; White suggested professional help in designing, setting, and carving the stone.
- The SB granted a number of one-day liquor licenses to Josh Billings Run-a-ground (September 13); Berkshire Botanical Gardens (August 7, 8 and September 17, 24 and 25) for wedding, rehearsal, dinners, a fundraiser and an exhibit opening; Norman Rockwell Museum, August 21 and 25 for fundraisers.
- The Stockbridge Golf Club informs the SB when there is a change of management.
- Agriculture and Forestry Commission suggested Michael Mauri as the new Forester. By a vote of the SB, Mauri was approved.
- McCaffrey discussed the mechanism for enforcement of bylaws as described in Chapter 40 of Mass General Laws.
- a. Infractions are fined
- b. Offender pays the fine or appeals it in District Court.
- White pointed out the one Airbnb is not in compliance with the new bylaw because it requires NO professional managers; this business has a professional manager overseeing more than one property.
- White was concerned that SB enforce bylaws or change them. As an example, he mentioned the bylaw prohibiting chain link fences. (As reported last issue: Stockbridge Zoning Bylaw: 6.18 "Fences and Walls - Chain link and wire mesh fences are prohibited in all but the Manufacturing District unless said fence is visually screened from adjacent properties, including roadways, throughout the entire year.")
- White suggested that bylaws be enforced or changed, but McCaffrey disagreed and said it "was too big a task and who is going to do it?"
- McCaffrey was also worried some things might be grandfathered and therefore not infractions, but White explained proof of something grandfathered was the burden of the owner not the Town.
- McCaffrey was concerned about the East Main Street culvert. Canales said he would follow up with state and determine if there was a formal complaint as the culvert is the property of the Commonwealth.
- Update on harvesting: Hugh Page said the equipment was "put to bed ready to go" and then not used so it shouldn't be an issue. Harvester will go into The Bowl next week (August 9-13)
- A permit was granted Handcrafted for an event at the RR Station August 29 as they had provided the requested items: a parking plan and an agreement with Laurel Hill Association.
- Discussed whether town meetings should be hybrid. Canales said the Select Board meeting room was fully equipped for Zoom and recording. He added that he would train committee, commission and board chairs or members to use it.
- White sought a policy to continue hybrid meetings; McCaffrey preferred leaving it up to the Chairs. They finally approved recommending hybrid meetings.
- Lunch Program will commence Wednesdays at Senior Center in the Town offices and Thursdays at Heaton Court. Recommended contribution: $2 for participants over 60. Lunches will be served at noon.
- According to an agreement, Berkshire Theater Group informed the SB that certain of their programs will move indoors.
- Evidently there was a letter to the SB about BTG and White asked if they would consider it? McCaffrey postponed consideration as she had not seen it.
- The Housing Trust was approved at Town Meeting and there will be a 5-person board forming. If interested, contact Canales.
- Complimented Canales on his response to concerns about a bridge (unclear what bridge). McCaffrey suggested posting Canales response on Town web site. White noted 10-20 people go to Town web site and "about 1000 read Stockbridge Updates" so why not also post it in SU? McCaffrey was opposed.
Meeting adjourned
Editor's Note: We are pleased to post information. Our goal is to inform the Town. We post everything submitted as long as it follows our few simple rules: 400 words or less, no ad hominem attacks, signed by the author, and only one submission per month. We post all submissions as written with no changes or edits.
Photo: Lionel Delevingne