Vol. II No. 16 8/15/2021
Notes from Water and Sewer Commission, August 10, Hybrid Meeting
- Donald Schneyer, Chairman
- Peter J. Socha, via Zoom
Also present: Jennifer Carmichael, Secretary, Tom Campetti, Supervisor Sewer, Mike Buffoni, Supervisor Water
- Approve July 6, 2021 minutes
- Jim Wilusz — Tri Town Health
- Would assist Lake Drive Association (LDA) connection to sewer by expansion of sewer line
- Believes good for The Bowl
- There are innovative septic systems that could be investigated as well but very expensive ($50-60,000)
- Beth Nathan from LDA presented an in-house survey: 39 units in association; 6 connected to Town sewer; 32 interested in connecting; 23 on the water; 13 failed; 12 20- 40 years old, and 8 undeveloped properties.
- Chair asked where to go from here? Sewer and Water has a 5-year plan LDA not on it — that plan directs expenditures
- Beth said she attended SB meeting and Roxanne told her during meeting that Water and Sewer has the money for engineering as a next step
- Chair, Buffoni and Campetti all said that was not the case. Money for this or any project would have to be voted at Town Meeting.
- Beth asked about money from the new Infrastructure Bill just passed. Response: "we have to take care of what we have before we branch out."
- Suggestion: LDA go to SB and generate support to place on next year's budget for Town Meeting.
- Chair mentioned there are only 6 full time residents in the LDA, and that there are many Stockbridge residents who would like to be on the sewer.
- Buffoni said he will look at water sample results for phosphates and nitrates (indications of septic runoff and/or fertilizer) to see if water quality in lake is being affected.
- Wilusz added that there are community septic system and that may be a solution for LDA. Estimate 110 gallons of use per bedroom per day and if use exceeds 10,000 gallons per day, a community septic requires DEP approval. Need cost comparisons between community septic/individual septic/sewer connection to make decision.
- Water hauler late/demand fees — discussion postponed until others present.
- Rain issue with the treatment plant and Park Street pump station — exposed potential weakness in system — Park Street pump station replacement update
- Tuckerman bridge water line move progress — hope to finish this fall
- Commonwealth wants to issue regulations with respect to water usage during drought but local governments pushing back.
- Chair wished to thank Hugh Page for the great work he is doing cleaning up transfer station. Also thank you to man (name unintelligible) who does mowing — great job.
- DeSisto filed an abatement for $4000 fee to Sewer Department. They had a leak used 600,000 gallons of water. Will pay for water but want to abate sewer charge.
- Discussion of water shed inspection postponed until next meeting
Peter Socha opposed. He wants municipal rules and regulations to have teeth. The leak was a function of negligence, and the property owner has to pay for that, Socha said. He continued, if the leak were in a Stockbridge street, the Town would pay. This was on private property and Desisto must pay — do not abate charge. No decision made.
Meeting adjourned
Photo: Lionel Delevingne