Vol. II No. 21 11/1/2021
Notes from the Select Board (SB)
October 28, Hybrid Meeting
- Roxanne McCaffrey, Chair
- Patrick White
- Chuck Cardillo
Also present: Michael Canales, Town Administrator, Hugh Page Highway Superintendent and Matt Boudreau, Chair Agriculture and Forestry Commission
It was a brief meeting with 3 agenda items.
- Tri-Town Health Department requested funds for a Food Standards employee to certify restaurants. White questioned if, before voting on the measure, they might ask Tri-Town about the percentage breakdown: Lee (33%) $23,100; Lenox (43%) $30,100; Stockbridge (24%) $16,800. White said since Stockbridge has only a handful of restaurants the percentage seems like "subsidizing the other two towns". Canales suggested it was probably based on percentages paid by each town to Tri-Town. The measure was passed without double checking percentages.
- Matt Bourdreau was present to request approval of the grant application for injecting the trees in Ice Glen (See Notes from the Agricultural and Forestry Commission). White reminded everyone that there is a fund, donations tax deductible, for continued care of the Old Growth Forest and encouraged folks to contribute. Motion passed. Grant will be submitted.
- Two positions in the Highway Department are now filled. The applicants recommended to SB for approval. Both candidates approved by SB. Canales said the Highway Department will now be fully staffed.
Meeting adjourned