HomeArchiveVol. II No. 24 12/15/2021Notes from the Stockbridge Bowl Stewardship Commission, December 3, Hybrid meeting
Vol. II No. 24 12/15/2021
Notes from the Stockbridge Bowl Stewardship Commission, December 3, Hybrid meeting
- Jamie Minacci, Chair
- Mike Buffoni, Water Superintendent
- Gary Kleinerman, Harbor Master
- Roxanne McCaffrey, Select Board
- Charles Kenny and Michael Nathan via Zoom
- 11/19/21 Minutes tabled pending revisions.
- Water testing — 30 samples taken, no results reported
- Stockbridge Lake and Watershed memorandum
After lengthy discussion, it was decided:
- Dredging
- Aquatic Plant Control (by herbicides or harvesting)
- Cyanobacteria
- Habitat Protection
- Invasives
- Nutrient load and where are the nutrients coming from — where is water coming from?
- Thermal imaging
- Emergency Response Plan
This was a long, detailed discussion only briefly recapped here. The information will be revisited several times as the plan emerges. The meeting can be viewed on CTSB
As they move forward SBSC discussed developing short-term, medium, and long- term plans.
Meeting adjourned.
Editor's question: In an appeal for donations from Stockbridge Bowl Association that arrived in the mail, SBA mentioned they are working on a Lake Management Plan. Is that a separate endeavor or are they working with the Town?
Photo: Jay Rhind