Vol. III No. 11 6/1/2022
Notes from the Select Board Meeting, May 26, Hybrid Meeting
- Patrick White, Chair
- Chuck Cardillo
- Jamie Minacci
- Michael Canales
- Public Hearing: Bob Flower, owner, 60 Main Street — permit to add deck — approved
- Request for public comments moved to beginning of agenda — no comments
- Berkshire Botanical Garden requests one-day liquor licenses for June 10, 11, 13, 17 and 25 for weddings, wedding rehearsals, and a fund-raising event. Approved
- Chesterwood one-day liquor license for June 8 — fundraiser, Approved
- Tanglewood — new manager for food service venues (10 on the property) White is an abutter of Tanglewood and upon Town Counsel advice recused himself — handed gavel to Cardillo. The new manager was present (off camera) and said "hello" — name inaudible.
- Canales reported
- Phase one of Town Beach parking lot completed and useable for Memorial Day holiday weekend. In fall there will be more finishing work, grass, flowers, etc.
- Canales also reported there are two new kayak racks. If folks prefer these to the old ones, Town will buy more
- White asked about harvester. Canales said it is still not fixed because they are waiting for parts. However, the larger harvester is ready to go in the water
- The water chestnut (an invasive) will be picked by divers with the seeds. After that the harvester can begin
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money — suggested use, Use $82,500 for extra compensation for First Responders in police and fire departments and Town Offices. Minacci asked how much will be left after paying this. Answer $531,000.
- Payments approved
- SB agreed to postpone the appointments to the boards, commissions, and committees until after the vote recount (Thursday June 2)
- White said SB members cannot talk to one another outside of the meetings because in a three-member board, two is a quorum. He suggested:
- If townsfolk have an issue with a member, they should speak directly to that member. There is no point in telling one about the other as they cannot pass the message on
- A long "laundry list" of items to complete still remains, and White is not interested in personalities, but only in the work and getting it done
- White is committed to transparency
- SB agreed to drop the morning SB meeting. They will have two meetings per month at 6:30pm and add a third if necessary. For example, during budget period in preparation for Town Meeting.
SB went into executive session to discuss contracts of police and fire chiefs — will not return. Meeting adjourned
Photo: Blue Moon Images/Dana Goedewaagen