Vol. III No. 13 7/1/2022
Notes from the Select Board (SB), June 23, Hybrid meeting
- Patrick White, Chair
- Chuck Cardillo
- Jamie Minacci
- Michael Canales, Town Administrator
Also attending via Zoom and in person: Kate Fletcher, Bruce Blair, Larry Ackerman, John Hart, Ron Brouker, and others identified if they spoke
- Request for a Special Permit. On behalf of 8 Hawthorne, Daniel Pincus, owner; Attorney Elizabeth Goodman; Mark Volk, Foresight Land Surveying; Jay Rhind, Builder.
- Goodman requested permit to build new house on a pre-existing, nonconforming lot
- Goodman presented house plans and asserted an overall decrease in nonconformity.
- White pointed out that the bylaw does not call for an aggregate decrease but a decrease on each boundary.
- Canales said, after conferring with Town Counsel, it was clear that the intent was to take distance from each lot line separately
- Goodman said her "legal position" was that the proposed house "will not be in greater nonconformity" as no closer to lot line.
- Cardillo said the proposed house added to nonconformity. Minacci agreed
- White called for a continuance to consider and discuss
- Cardillo called for the vote — permit declined unanimously
- White announced July 28 for the annual second homeowners meeting with SB
- White called for public comments and Hart asked about private driveways being considered public roads to the extent that using Town funds to repair them.
- He offered an example.
- White said in that case it was brought to Town Meeting and the voters approved the expenditure
- Hilary Deely on behalf of Laurel Hill Association announced that the oldest civic beautification organization in the US will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Frederick Law Olmsted's birth this year with events in August
- Pat Kennelly on behalf of Stockbridge Bowl Association announced their 75th Anniversary this year with events open to everyone beginning in July (See SU Events)
- Cardillo requested a Special Town meeting to discuss and consider proposed changes to Main Street in September/October with a preliminary informational session in August
- Lis Wheeler, newest member of the Planning Board, discussed housing
- White said Stockbridge is doing well — it is one of the few towns who met the requirement for 10% affordable housing — however, we could do more
- Wheeler presented the Housing Production Plan (Lenox just completed theirs)
- White suggested taking $50,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) awarded to Stockbridge and conduct a study to determine what Stockbridge needs
- Motion made and passed — White thanked fellow SB members saying "this was important to me"
- Stockbridge Bowl
- Dredging — no action
- Test plot — not approved
- Water chestnut removal—completed
- Harvesting? — can harvest channel now, and then as soon as test plots approved by Department of Environmental Protection, can harvest everywhere except in test plot
- Ice Glen — trees are being treated. All ash trees completed. Will treat as many hemlocks as possible
- Soldier's Monument — bidding complete, contract awarded to Allegrone
- Averic Road bridge completed
- CTSB cannot cover all meetings — staffing issue.
- Canales said those Stockbridge boards and commissions with paid secretaries could be trained to operate Zoom equipment.
- White hoped that all meeting could be covered as in a population of 2000 Stockbridge has 1000 over 65
- Canales said it might cost $20,000 to $30,000 annually to cover all
- Hart and Brouker seemed to favor in-person meetings; Cardillo seemed concerned about the cost
- White said follow Canales' suggestion and bring up the expenditure at the special Town Meeting and let voters decide
- One-day alcohol licenses approved for events at Chesterwood, Norman Rockwell Museum, and Berkshire Botanical Garden
- Finished appointments for this year (list in this issue). Apparently, there was heightened interest in SB representatives to Stockbridge Bowl Association (SBA) and Stockbridge Bowl Stewardship Commission (SBSC). The Chair decided on the basis of seniority, that is, length of time on SB. Longest-serving member Cardillo selected SBA and second-longest White selected SBSC.
Still no repair part available for smaller harvester but larger harvester should be in lake this week
Meeting adjourned
Photo: Lionel Delevingne