HomeArchiveVol. III No. 20 10/15/2022Notes from the Agriculture and Forestry Commission, October 3, Hybrid meeting
Vol. III No. 20 10/15/2022
Notes from the Agriculture and Forestry Commission, October 3, Hybrid meeting
- Matt Boudreau, Chair
- Lisa Bozzuto
- Via Zoom: Abby Fredsall, Erik Rasmussen, Shelby Marshall
- Michael Canales
- David Mateos
- Minutes of the last meeting approved as written
- Mateos, from Harvard University, is doing sampling and analysis of soil in Ice Glen. Ice Glen is one of very few old growth forests. They are testing to determine what fungi and bacteria are in old growth forests that are recovering. Hypothesis: as old growth forests degrade, they are more vulnerable and as they recover they are more resilient. If that is true, and they can determine makeup of soil in recovering forests, perhaps can help other forests to be more resilient. Results will take a year to arrive at — DNA sequencing and other tests — however they will share results with Commission when available
- Farmer's Market report. Chair said SB approved $5000 for this calendar year for a coordinator of farmer's market. $5000 will pay someone $20/hour, 20 hours/week for 12 weeks. Chair will work with Canales writing a job description. The SB will hire the coordinator, and program can get underway. Chair thinks first year no charge to farmers in order to boost our market and after that rental for stall will pay for coordinator.
- Discussion of commission's philosophy
- Bozzuto suggested management, maintenance, preservation and conservation
- Marshall said Gould Meadows, Lake Averic, and Stockbridge Mountain have special meaning to Town. Wonders if logging should go on around Lake Averic?
- Chair said that Sewer and Water oversees the land and forest around Averic, and Gould Meadows is under ConCom, but Marshall wondered if he could meet with them or their forester to share thoughts
- Suggested one Town-owned forest be left alone entirely
- Marshall repeated logging could decrease quality of water
- Canales questioned "worst first" philosophy. For example, treating areas of Ice Glen in worst condition first. Maybe treat areas of forest in better condition first
Meeting adjourn
Photo: Lionel Delevingne