HomeArchiveVol. III No. 4 2/15/2022Notes from the Conservation Commission (ConCom), February 8, Hybrid Meeting
Vol. III No. 4 2/15/2022
Notes from the Conservation Commission (ConCom), February 8, Hybrid Meeting
- Ron Brouker, Chair
- Joseph DeGiorgis
- John hart
- Lisa Bozzuto
- Jamie Minacci
- Sally Underwood Miller, Secretary
- Minutes approved as written
- Next items on agenda continued because the parties were not present
- Brent White present on behalf of two properties: Ice Glen Road and Beachwood. White was seeking an Order of Conditions for the Beachwood property to remove trees while ground is still frozen. Trees to be removed are in a wetland and removing when ground is frozen minimizes damage. Order approved
- Public Hearing
- Re: Property north of causeway next to White Pines beach. It is partially in Lake and Pond Overlay District (LPOD) and is an historic structure as well as preexisting and nonconforming. The extant structure is 1000 sq. ft.
- New owners wish to tear it down and build a house 2700 sq. ft. It only perc-ed with a system wherein waste is trucked away. There was a disagreement between representative of property and rep of ConCom about improvement of wet land; that is, if trees are removed, more than the number removed would have to be planted. Site visit planned for Wednesday February 16 at 10:30 am. Hearing continued until after site visit
- Hill Engineering requested a copy of an old (1980s) Certificate of Compliance followed by discussion about files that were incomplete and lost.
- Site visit to Camp Mahkeenac also on 16th at about 11:15 following the other site visit. Site visit required as the buildings to replace those that burned down have a larger footprint. The Camp is anxious to complete the project before summer
- Hart mentioned not using "alphabet soup" so Stockbridge Updates and others attending ConCom meetings can follow. [Thanks Hart!]
- Discussion of preparing Performance Standard to simplify and clarify what is necessary for applicant to bring and sign to obtain permits.
- Patrick White invited ConCom to walk Lily Pond as it is frozen and therefore passable in winter. ConCom agreed to go on Wednesday February 16
- Discuss hiring Conservation Agent at next meeting. Shep Evans' name was mentioned.
Meeting adjourned
Photo: Patrick White