Vol. IV No. 11 6/1/2023
Editorial: The secret the election revealed...
Congratulations Stockbridge! The initial count showed that 672 of us voted. The final count: 690!
According to Town Clerk, Terri Iemolini, "That is the most people voting in memory. So very impressive!" The next closest was 2015 with 608 voting.
In recent history, 31%, voted. In 2015, the next closest, 608 voted. Last year, of 1643 registered voters 524 or 31% voted. This year, 41% voted.
Stockbridge, we have started with a proverbial bang; let's keep going. Coasting toward our 300th anniversary, let us carry on as one. We have things to crow about, and problems to solve. Let's not forget who we are and how we do things — the Stockbridge way.
We never aimed to win the messaging war. We're just down-home Yankees rolling up our sleeves. Governing doesn't take the clever turn of the phrase or the quick put down, governing takes a whole different set of skills.
Let's brush up on the process — consensus is the best conclusion; respectful discussion is the best way to reach consensus. Let's take a closer look at the Residential Tax Exemption without the Strum and Drang and sloganeering.
Let's reevaluate whether the Short-Term Rental Bylaw is serving the Town or opening it to new problems. During calm deliberation, let's start with the problem. Is there one? The solution is inherent in a clear and careful definition of the problem. Let's decide.
Our ancestors considered the issues of their day and the possible solutions. The decisions they made created our present. What we do will create the Stockbridge of tomorrow. That is important work, it is our job, and we should not be distracted from it.
What is the secret the election revealed? Stockbridge is not divided. We voted together in historically high numbers. We are together knowing what we want and where we want to go. We are together not significantly divided. Nothing we can't talk out reasonably, cobble together sensibly, and get on with it.
In this national atmosphere of tension, angst, and anger the worst that can happen is that we forget how we always did it and what the values guided us.
We don't need "spin", misdirection, confusing word salads, or loud demands. Plain speaking, solid decisions, and sweat equity is all Stockbridge ever had and look what we made! Let's trail mark our usual path and set out in the right direction.
Carole Owens
Photo: Lionel Delevingne