Vol. IV No. 11 6/1/2023
Key Take Aways from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), May 16
Public hearing of the ZBA: Jeffery and Amy Grossman, 9 Mahkeenac Terrace, appealed denial by the Building Inspector of a building permit.
At issue: on a nonconforming lot, the permit, if granted, would exceed the allowed lot coverage and would further encroach into the buffer zone.
The Grossmans claimed a hardship as their deck was too narrow and they wished to make the deck larger.
The ZBA explained they had no authority to grant an appeal because what was requested was desirable; it had to rectify a hardship. ZBA repeatedly stated they were trying to be helpful and suggested the Grossmans hire a lawyer as it did not seem they were presenting their case in a way consistent with the law.
The Grossmans invited them to make a site visit; ZBA agreed; any finding postponed.
Avoiding the crowd at the parade. Photo: Patrick White