HomeArchiveVol. IV No. 2 1/15/2023Notes from the Conservation Commission (ConCom), January 10, Hybrid meeting
Vol. IV No. 2 1/15/2023
Notes from the Conservation Commission (ConCom), January 10, Hybrid meeting
- Ron Brouker, Chair, Sally Underwood-Miller, John Hart, Joe DeGiorgis, Tom LaBelle, Jamie Minacci, Lisa Bozutto
- Minutes of December 13 approved as written
- Sarah McKearnan requested a Certificate of Compliance for 2 Interlaken Crossroad as soon as possible. The work on the new septic is progressing. The house has sold, but the COC is necessary to close the sale.
- Steven Mack requested a site visit to approve work on erosion controls on Ice Glen Road
- 12 Mahkeenac Shores was continued as no representative present. However, this opened a discussion with the consultant from Fleetwood because this matter has been continued for a year or more meaning there was no compliance and no contact with absentee owners.
- The unresolved issue: The bylaws require that the owners DO NOT mow to the shoreline and DO plantings
- Underwood-Miller said there were problems getting in contact with owners and even learning who the groundskeepers were
- Hart said the situation was unacceptable
- They turned to Fleetwood consultant to ask what they could do
- As it turns out the consultant said there is a lot ConCom can do
- If ConCom has not sent an Enforcement Order, they should do so immediately
- If they do not have names of the people to contact, then physically mark-out the area NOT to be mowed — cordon it off and attach a sign that says "do not mow this area and contact ConCom"
- If they can stop by and talk to workers or identify who is working there, then open the dialogue about what can and cannot be done
- There are powers ConCom has and actions they can take. Placing unresolved item on agenda for years and "continuing" it was not seen as acceptable to the Commission. Underwood-Miller said there were many of these.
Editor's Note: At the request of the Conservation Commission SU would list those who are in violation.
Meeting adjourned.
Photo: Lionel Delevingne