Vol. IV No. 2 1/15/2023
Notes from Water and Sewer Commission — January 3, Hybrid meeting
- Don Schneyer, Chair, Peter Sosha, John Loiodice
- Michael Canales Town Administrator
- Patrick White, Chair Select Board
- Tony Campetti, Sewer Superintendent
- Michael Buffoni, Water Superintendent
- Canales reported the water and sewer rates would be ready for consideration at the February meeting.
- Canales mentioned money — an estimated $99,000 for sewer expansion
- The Department of Environmental protection (DEP) requires an ascension (or succession?) plan so when Buffoni and Campetti retire, there will be trained and properly credentialed people to replace them. Buffoni estimated it would take five years to train and credential the potential employees.
- Canales suggested Stockbridge begin an apprenticeship program now.
- It was a concern that Stockbridge might train folks who then leave for jobs elsewhere. White suggested in order to hedge against that, use "hometown guys."
- Campetti reported the Influx and Infiltration study (I&I) is 90% done. When done, we will know how much pipe has to be replaced and how much fixed. Also, how many manhole-covers need replacing
- Consultant, David (Cricket or Pricket?) is working on the Master Plan — Canales said it is going well — there are five areas without sewer but close to sewer. They are north of causeway, Glendale, Ice Glen, Lake Drive and one other location (?) It would be $50,000 to do an evaluation. White suggested moving forward and using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds
- Progress is being made on the salt shed. Apparently when finished, equipment can be stored inside
- Public Comment period — Anita Schwerner asked about the "private sewer line" on Train Hill mentioned by Paul Sundberg at last the meeting. She believed that after one year, a sewer line becomes the property of the Town. Schneyer said that is true now, but that sewer line was put in prior to the law being passed and it is not retroactive. Canales said the sewer line could be taken by eminent domain if it were established that it was in the public good to do so.
- Schwerner also asked about the water and sewer bills at 37 Interlaken — who pays them? 37 Interlaken requested an abatement on the that sewer bill and paid water bill.
Meeting adjourned.
Photo: Patrick White