Vol. V No. 10 5/15/2024
Editorial: Cause for Celebration
My father told me, “Have the party the night before, then, win or lose, you don’t miss a party.”
My father had a good attitude toward life and provided clever words to live by. I follow them, including, never miss the opportunity for a party.
On May 21, win or lose, there is a party at my house for all those who supported me. It’s a chance to do two important things: say thank you for the “kitchen cabinet” meetings they sat through, the signs they placed, the letters they wrote, and the contributions they made. I am deeply grateful. It is a chance to toast the winner. If Gary wins, we will toast Gary. If I win, we will toast me.
I don't think this race is about me or Gary, and certainly not about who sits on the Finance Committee. This race is about Stockbridge.
The village is facing challenges. Some think to do so with the same-old-same-old is just fine. Others think that may not meet the need.
Some people think appointments to FC have been fair. Others feel snubbed and their offer of serving on FC ignored or rebuffed.
Some think the Finance Committee, an appointed committee, should advise the elected Select Board and tell Town Meeting how to vote. Others think the job of the Finance Committee is to give accurate information to Town Meeting so the voters fully understand the articles and have the knowledge they need to vote their will.
Those are the differing views in this election. I respect everyone's right to their opinions. My hope is that we vote in the best interest of Stockbridge. We are a little village with limited resources facing a big and changing world. Let’s do our best for Stockbridge.
Read the attached Warrant.
Be prepared for our Town Meeting on May 20. It is your meeting; vote for the bylaws you wish to follow and the expenditures you wish to pay — no more and no less.
Vote on May 21.
Congratulate the winners whether they are your candidate or not. Thank both winners and losers for their willingness to serve Stockbridge.
Carole Owens
Executive Editor
Photo: Dana Goedewaagen/Blue Moon Images